Tornado Alley Mystery Writers

Episode 25: Interview with Betsey Kulakowski

Tornado Alley Mystery Writers Season 3 Episode 25

Betsey Kulakowski is a federally trained investigator with a degree in emergency management and thirty-plus years of experience as an occupational safety specialist.  She served on disaster response teams at the Murrah Federal Building Bombing, the World Trade Center, and Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

Betsey wrote her first book at age six. She says being a writer wasn't something she chose. It chose her. She is the author of the award-winning, paranormal thriller, The Veritas Codex, and the series of the same name. There are six novels in the series so far and six more on the way. Betsey's heroine is a mom who has it all, a job, family, and an exciting job. How does she do t? Perhaps the gods are looking out for her.

Tune in to this episode to find out how Betsey, a mom, an investigator, and a writer, does all she does.